Brevard County Drivers Ed in Florida
- Learn More, Spend Less
- On-Line Program for Florida First Time Drivers
- Complete Your Palm Bay DATA Course Anytime
- FL DHSMV Authorized Permit Exam Also Available

Florida DHSMV Authorized Course
Palm Bay High School, Bayside High School, Heritage High School, and Palm Bay Community Charter teens are now able to fulfill their first time driver requirements through our education course and online written exam, which are both approved by the state of Florida and recognized and acknowledged by the Brevard County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles.
100% Online Palm Bay Drivers Ed
You will never find another First Time Drivers Course like this one in all of Florida. Our Low Priced program was specifically designed for anyone residing in Melbourne, Micco, Cocoa, Vero Beach, Sebastian, Port Saint John, Rockledge, Cape Canaveral, and Satellite Beach that need to fulfill their learner's permit requirements. Everything you need, from course material to the actual written exam is all online. You'll never have to compromise your busy schedule or leave the comfort of your Palm Bay home or office to complete our course. Once you're done, the only thing left to do is take a trip to your Brevard County DHSMV office and take your hearing and vision test!
What Does a Drug and Alcohol Course Involve?
7 sections of reading material covering all aspects of driving, from your Brevard County rules and regulations, your responsibilities as a Palm Bay driver, the effects alcohol and drugs can have on your driving abilities and much more. Simply read through the Low Priced course, answer short quizzes, and complete a final at the end.

First Time Driver Program For Palm Bay Residents introduces a 4-hour Florida state approved First Time Driver's course for anyone looking to fulfill the requirements necessary to obtain your Florida's driver's license. We provide convenience. Our Low Priced First Time Driver's course, also referred to as the D.A.T.A. program can be completed anywhere there is internet access, which means never leaving your Palm Bay home or office for class...ever! 100% online. Teens attending Palm Bay High School, Bayside High School, Heritage High School, and Palm Bay Community Charter are finding this course extremely helpful, but more importantly, educational as you'll learn that there's more involved to becoming a great driver, such as, rules, regulations, alcohol awareness and so much more. The D.A.T.A. program will leaved you well-prepared to take your Brevard County written exam!
Brevard County Written Exam Prep!
Preparing new drivers for their written permit exam, one by one. Our Low Priced Driver License Prep Course is the number one study guide for first time drivers residing in Melbourne, Micco, Cocoa, Vero Beach, Sebastian, Port Saint John, Rockledge, Cape Canaveral, and Satellite Beach. Our thoroughly constructed program not only encompasses what you need to know, but it gives you an idea of what will be on the exam, as this course was written by a former DHSMV Examiner. You can't beat that!
Are You Required To Complete The TLSAE Program?
Are you a first time driver and looking to receive your Palm Bay driver's license but don't know where to begin? Well you've come to the right place. Our Low Priced Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program is a required course, regardless of age, mandated by the Brevard County DHSMV that must be completed by all first time drivers before taking the DHSMV written exam.
Fearful that a traffic ticket may ruin your Brevard County driving record? It very well could unless you do something about it. The results from receiving a moving violation can vary, but most include some kind of reflection on your DHSMV driving record. This is usually in the form of points. Negative points on your record can affect your car insurance, and possibly the suspension of your Palm Bay driver's license. Let our Low Priced traffic school help you dismiss those pesky points.
Bonus Services For Palm Bay Drivers
Providing additional Low Priced driver services for Melbourne, Micco, Cocoa, Vero Beach, Sebastian, Port Saint John, Rockledge, Cape Canaveral, and Satellite Beach each and every day! We can help you with just about anything you need, information regarding your vehicle, or practice with your driving. Check out all that and our sister company have to offer you!
Palm Bay Traffic Tickets
Dismissing tickets one by one! For over 15 years, our Low Priced traffic school has helped many Palm Bay motorists improve their Brevard County DHSMV driving record by dismissing traffic tickets they may have accrued in cities like, Melbourne, Micco, Cocoa, Vero Beach, Sebastian, Port Saint John, Rockledge, Cape Canaveral, and Satellite Beach. Enroll with, Florida's #1 trusted leading traffic school today!